GlideRite Stylets
GlideRite Stylets complement GlideScope video laryngoscopes to enable quick placement of endotracheal tubes. Options are available to cover a broad range of patients and procedures.

Easy to Use for Quick Intubations
GlideRite Stylets enable ET Tube control and placement while using GlideScope hyperangulated video laryngoscopes. The preformed, rigid design coupled with an easy-to-use handle are available in single-use and reusable options.
Product Highlights
See the GlideRite Stylet with a Hyperangulated Blade in Action

GlideRite Single-use Options
GlideRite Reusable Options
Bringing It All Together

Advancing Sustainability in Single-Use Video Laryngoscopes.

Titanium Reusable Video Laryngoscopes
GlideScope Titanium Video Laryngoscopes combine lightweight and durable titanium construction with low-profile blades with innovative anti-fog technology. Choose from a broad portfolio of hyperangulated and direct style blades.

Video Batons & GVL® Stats
Reusable GlideScope Video Batons are designed to work with single-use GVL Stats to provide a consistently clear, real-time view of the airway.
Product Use
Helpful Information
The Effect of Stylet Choice on the Success Rate of Intubation using the GlideScope Video Laryngoscope in the Emergency Department
Acad Emerg Med, 2012
Both first-attempt and ultimate success rates were higher with GlideScope intubations in the ED when the rigid stylet was used as compared to the malleable stylet.
Recycling Program
Divert waste away from landfills with the Sharps Compliance Takeaway Recycle System.