
Reusable Video Laryngoscopes

GlideScope® Titanium video laryngoscopes combine lightweight and durable titanium construction with low profile blades and innovative anti-fog technology. Choose from a range of hyperangulated and Mac-style blades.

Reusable Video Laryngoscopes

Thin. Tough. Titanium.

GlideScope® Titanium reusable video laryngoscopes, designed for first pass success, feature titanium construction for strength and durability. Low profile blade designs enable quick intubation across a wide range of patient types and clinical settings.

Easy to reprocess

Durable & Easy-to-Reprocess

Lightweight titanium construction in a single-shell design and no cap requirements simplifies reprocessing

video laryngoscopy procedure

Proven Clinical Performance

Hyperangulated blades decrease lift force on patients by 55%1 and consistently improve laryngeal views

GlideScope titanium reusable video laryngoscopes

Low Profile Blade Designs

Low profile designs for improved maneuverability and working space

Easy to reprocess

Durable & Easy-to-Reprocess

Lightweight titanium construction in a single-shell design and no cap requirements simplifies reprocessing

video laryngoscopy procedure

Proven Clinical Performance

Hyperangulated blades decrease lift force on patients by 55%1 and consistently improve laryngeal views

GlideScope titanium reusable video laryngoscopes

Low Profile Blade Designs

Low profile designs for improved maneuverability and working space

Enhanced airway views

Enhanced Airway Views

Reveal anti-fog technology, with a rapid heating profile to resist lens fogging

Product Highlights

* Measurement of forces applied during Macintosh direct laryngoscopy compared with GlideScope video laryngoscopy. Russell T, Khan S, Elman J, Katznelson R, Cooper RM. Anaesthesia. 2012 Jun; 67(6):626-31. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2044.2012.07087.x. Epub 2012 Feb 21.

** Cooper, R.M., Pacey, J.A., Bishop, M.J. et al. Early clinical experience with a new videolaryngoscope (GlideScope®) in 728 patients. Can J Anaesth 52, 191 (2005).

See GlideScope Video Laryngoscopes in Action


Hyperangulated Video Laryngoscopes

Titanium hyperangulated video laryngoscopes feature low profile blades with signature angulation and purposely-designed handles.

LoPro T2 video laryngoscope blade

LoPro T2

LoPro T3 video laryngoscope blade

LoPro T3

LoPro T4 video laryngoscope blade

LoPro T4

MAC Video Laryngoscopes

Titanium MAC video laryngoscopes combine the familiarity of direct laryngoscope-style blades with the confidence of GlideScope. These low profile blades offer simultaneous direct and indirect views, enabling advanced teaching techniques.

MAC T3 video laryngoscope blade


MAC T4 video laryngoscope blade


Bringing it All Together

GlideScope® Core™

GlideScope® Core

The most comprehensive and flexible airway visualization system for video laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy and dual-view airway procedures.

GlideRite® Stylets

GlideRite® Stylets

GlideRite Stylets are designed to complement angulated GlideScope video laryngoscopes and enable quick placement of ET Tubes.

BFlex™ 2 Single-use Bronchoscopes

BFlex 2 Single-use Bronchoscopes

BFlex 2 is a single-use bronchoscope designed with powerful suction, responsive maneuverability, and improved workflow.

Helpful Information

Comparison of Video Laryngoscopy versus Direct Laryngoscopy during Urgent Endotracheal Intubation: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Critical Care Medicine, 2015

Conclusions from this study: “GlideScope video laryngoscopy improves the first-attempt success rate during urgent endotracheal intubation performed by pulmonary and critical care medicine fellows when compared with direct laryngoscopy."

Clinical Publication

The Efficacy of Glidescope® Videolaryngoscopy Compared with Direct Laryngoscopy in Children Who Are Difficult to Intubate: An Analysis from the Paediatric Difficult Intubation Registry
Respiration and the Airway, 2017

One of the conclusions from this study: “During difficult tracheal intubation in children, direct laryngoscopy is an overly used technique with a low chance of success. GlideScope use was associated with a higher chance of success with no increased risk of complications."

Clinical Publication