
Artificial Intelligence in Bladder Volume Measurement


Easily Identify the Bladder with BladderTraq

BladderTraq® is Verathon’s real time auto-location of the bladder that helps ensure accurate scans through live B-mode, pre-scan aiming. This onscreen bladder capture feature highlights and outlines only the bladder, giving users confidence in what they are measuring, helping reduce unnecessary catheterizations which can help prevent CAUTI. BladderTraq is only available from Verathon. 


CAUTI Prevention

Urinary catheters have long been associated with higher UTI rates, longer hospital stays, and increased costs. 

In one national study, 80% of nosocomial UTIs resulted from the use of indwelling urinary catheters1. A separate study revealed that each UTI in the ICU carried an average cost of $8,7002. In a real-world example of a 100-bed facility, the BladderScan ROI calculator projected savings of over $150,000 by incorporating BladderScan units into the facility’s protocols3. Since its introduction, noninvasive BladderScan ultrasound technology has prevented countless unnecessary catheters.

Trusted Accuracy for Any User

BladderTraq® comes standard on the BladderScan i10, which is also powered by ImageSense™, Verathon’s groundbreaking artificial intelligence technology. BladderScan i10 empowers users to consistently scan with an accuracy of ± 7.5% on volumes greater than 100 mL (or ± 7.5 mL on volumes less than 100 mL)* across all adult and pediatric patient types and anatomies. The large touchscreen interface uses intuitive graphics, automatic bladder location detection and BladderTraq contour tracking to guide every step.

Simplified Workflows Matter

BladderScan i10 leverages ImageSense to give every user an accelerated workflow. Clinicians can rapidly and reliably measure bladder volume with consistent accuracy. This is done with a point-and-click 3D scanning probe and automated aiming assist without the more complex “fanning” scan techniques required by some other bladder volume measurement devices. This is intended to help ensure accuracy in “real world” conditions over a wide range of clinical users and settings.

The exceptional accuracy and efficiency of ImageSense, paired with the intuitive touchscreen interface of BladderScan i10, assists clinicians in optimizing patient care and helping clinicians achieve the clinical objectives of reducing and avoiding catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) and early detection of post-operative urinary retention (POUR).

Contact us to learn more about Verathon's BladderTraq and ImageSense technology.


1. Saint S, Kowalski CP, Kaufman SR, Hofer TP, Kauffman CA, et al. Preventing Hospital-Acquired Urinary Tract Infection in the United States: A National Study. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2008: 46; 243-56.
2. Laupland KB, Bagshaw SM, Gregson DB, Kirkpatrick AW, Ross T, Church DL. Intensive Care Unit – Acquired Urinary Tract Infections in a Regional Critical Care System. Critical Care. 9:R60-5.
3. Data on file. Verathon, Inc.

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