

Your Trusted Partner in Airway Management for over 20 Years

The Total Airway Solution
Video Laryngoscopy + Bronchoscopy

GlideScope® with BFlex delivers brilliant, dual bronchoscopy and video laryngoscopy imaging for difficult airway management. Now you have more options to manage routine procedures and respond to emergent situations quickly and confidently.

Immediate Access When Every Second Counts

With GlideScope, you have immediate access to a wide variety of tools to visualize and secure an airway in one comprehensive system. From our signature hyperangulated blades to more traditional Mac and Miller style options, GlideScope offers an extensive range of video laryngoscope blade choices to accommodate a broad range of patients. And when needed, BFlex single-use bronchoscopes can be used as a backup or in conjunction with video laryngoscopes for more options when your patient needs you most.

See The Total Airway Solution in Action


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Helpful Information

Multimodal Airway Management: Combining Advanced Airway Techniques Can Be Better
Anesthesiology News, 2016

Combining devices such as a video laryngoscope and a flexible fiberscope can be complementary and prove critical in a situation where each might fail when deployed alone.

Clinical Publication

Videolaryngoscopy Post COVID-19
Trends in Anaesthesia & Critical Care, 2021

Videolaryngoscopes are a safer and more efficient device to use in critically ill patients, where timely intubation can be lifesaving. Routine use of videolaryngoscopes post COVID could help enable skill maintenance and better prepare us to deal with similar global challenges in the future.

Clinical Publication