The Total Airway Solution The Total Airway Solution

The Total Airway Solution

Single-use Video Laryngoscopy and Bronchoscopy in One Mobile System

The Total Airway Solution

Timely and Effective Patient Care in the OR, ICU and ED.

Easier Intubation

Easier Intubation

With Dual View, you can see more with simultaneous bronchoscope and video laryngoscope views to help navigate and secure difficult airways.

Two Systems in One

No need to wait for additional equipment or switch systems during procedures while reducing bedside clutter.  

See The Total Airway Solution in Action


You’ve got what you need right there. In a moment’s notice, you can transition from a video laryngoscope to a bronchoscope, or both simultaneously, without a problem. I can very quickly choose the option I need, and see things like I’ve never been able to see before. Having an integrated system like this is a huge advantage from both a time and safety standpoint.

- Gregory J. Schears, M.D., Anesthesiologist

The Total Airway Solution

GlideScope® with BFlex delivers brilliant, dual bronchoscopy and video laryngoscopy imaging for difficult airway management. Now you have more options to manage routine procedures and respond to emergent situations quickly and confidently.

Helpful Information

Multimodal Airway Management: Combining Advanced Airway Techniques Can Be Better
Anesthesiology News, 2016

Combining two of the newer technologically innovative devices such as a video laryngoscope and a flexible fiberscope can be complementary and prove critical.

Clinical Publication