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144 Results Found
Instructional Videos
BFlex & DLT (Double Lumen Tubes)
BFlex DLTs Video
Guides and Articles
Videolaryngoscope Assisted Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy for Difficult Intubation in Upper Airway Cancer
Recent publications have shown evidence that use of high resolution digital video laryngoscope (VLS…
Instructional Videos
How to Use BladderScan Prime Plus
How to Use BladderScan Prime Plus
Instructional Videos
GlideScope Go Promotional Video
GlideScope Go video
Clinical Publications
Experience With the Use of Single-Use Disposable Bronchoscope in the ICU in a Tertiary Referral Center of Singapore
Background: Flexible bronchoscopy is performed frequently in intensive care…
Guides and Articles
A Glimpse at the True Cost of Reprocessing Endoscopes: Results of a Pilot Project
In light of recent outbreaks of infection tied to contaminated flexible endoscopes, several…
Guides and Articles
Indwelling Urinary Catheters. A Step-By-Step Clinical Pathway for Bladder Management
A comprehensive Clinical Pathway for Bladder Management.  
Guides and Articles
Managing Urinary Retention in the Acute Care Environment
The purpose of this acute care clinical manual is to assist clinicians in the management of urinary…
Clinical Publications
Multimodal Airway Management: Combining Advanced Airway Techniques Can Be Better
Multimodal airway approaches are being designed as a response to unusual difficult airway cases.…